Değerli Yurtseverler,
Bildiğiniz gibi ÖZEL BÜRO İSTİHBARAT GRUBU bloglarını, sitelerini ve sosyal medyasını takip etmek ÜCRETSİZDİR.
1 adet bilgisayarı yada akıllı telefonu ve internet bağlantısı olan her yurtsever grubumuza üye olabilir. Grubu takip edenleri hiçbir şekilde ön teste, sorgu suale tabi tutmuyor, GBT araştırması yapmıyoruz. Grubu takip edenler arzu ederse sade üye sıfatından RESMİ ÜYE durumuna geçebiliyorlar. Onlar için düşük bir bedel ile ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU ÜYE KİMLİK KARTI çıkarıyoruz.
Üye kimlik kartı olanlar kartı aldıkları andan itibaren ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU'nun RESMİ ÜYESİ oluyorlar ve bunun da bazı avantajları oluyor.
İşte bunlardan biri de ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU'nun zaman zaman üyelere yönelik yaptığı LİSANSLI PROGRAM kampanyaları.
Resmi üye olanlar için bazı önemli yazılımları ücretsiz ve lisanslı bir şekilde resmi üyelerimizin kullanımına sunuyoruz.
Şimdi sunduğumuz programın adı Ant Download Manager & Video Downloader.

Ant Download Manager (AntDM) is a tool that allows you to repeatedly increase the speed of file downloads due to multiple download streams, resume, schedule downloads, capture and download audio and video streams.
· Automatically processes download errors, recovers from temporary network errors, reconnects in case of server response delays, has the ability to resume interrupted downloads due to loss of connection, network problems, computer shutdown, or unexpected power outages.
· The standard GUI for softwares of this class makes AntDM friendly and easy to use. It has two screens – the first is more common for regular downloads and the second is using video preview for easy tracking of video downloads.
· Has download queues, which allows you to accumulate download links at a convenient or scheduled time for the user.
· Supports proxy-servers, HTTP and FTP file protocols and their protected versions of HTTPS and FTPS, as well as the main streaming protocols for audio and video content M3U8, MPEG-DASH, VIMEO-STREAM, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, processing of audio and video content.
· Supports BitTottrent a P2P (peer-to-peer) file sharing protocol.
· Сan be easily integrated into the main popular browsers Microsoft EDGE (Chromium-based), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and their numerous clones: CocCoc, Comodo Dragon, Comodo IceDragon, 360Chrome, Chedot, Brave, Opera, Slimjet, SRWare Iron, Torch, UC Browser, Vivaldi, Yandex, Waterfox, etc. The integration of extension into browsers is used to automatically capture file or media links and download them. Also you can not integrate AntDM extensions into your browsers, but use AntDM autonomously. For example, drag and drop download links from a browser into AntDM, download any single links manually, in a list or in batch mode from a file.
· Allows not only downloading audio files, but also extracting audio tracks from video files, converting them to the popular MP3 format and adding basic accompanying information to them.
· Supports most popular Generators Premium Links (Debrids): alldebrid.com, cocoleech.com, debrid-link.fr, ffdownloader.com, linksnappy.com, mega-debrid.eu, real-debrid.com, premium.rpnet.biz, simply-debrid.com, premiumize.me, etc.
· Other features include multilingual support, download categories, download log, priorities and changes of download speed, task scheduler, sounds of various events, CHM User Guide, virus protection when download completion and many more.
Make sure to read the following!
· Some giveaways require the software to be run as administrator in order for the registration to be saved properly.
· If you are asked for a registration email or username when registering a software, first double check the registration details we give you above; for some giveaways, we provide you the registration email or username that you MUST use while registering and it will NOT register if you use your own email or username. If we do not provide you with a registration email or username, you can use your own.
· Make sure to READ and FOLLOW the directions we give you above EXACTLY. Some software require you to create an account AND activate your account or confirm your email address before they accept license keys or registration codes.
· After registering a giveaway, try restarting it.
· If you are waiting on getting an email from the developer, check your junk / spam first. If you do not get an email within 10 minutes, try using a different email address. Some email service providers unfairly block emails from some developers!
· If you have a license key and you are getting an error when using it, make sure (1) you are typing in the license key EXACTLY as you see it, including uppercase and lowercase; (2) try copy and pasting the license key instead of typing it manually; (3) make sure there are NO EMPTY SPACES before or after the license key; (4) try CLOSING and RESTARTING the program after registration; (5) make sure you are CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET and not blocking the program from accessing the developer's registration server; (6) make sure your computer's clock is UP-TO-DATE; and (7) check in the program's MAIN MENU or ABOUT section, because some programs display a message there if successfully registered (but some programs do not display this message). If you still have a problem, post in the help forum (click the ASK FOR HELP link above) or email the developer directly.
Bu program şu anda piyasada 26,95 USD bedel ile yani TL'ye çevirirsek 324 TL bedel ile satışta. 1 YILLIK versiyonu. Biz ise LİSANS KODU ile birlikte sizlere hediye ediyoruz. Aşağıdaki bağlantıdan programı indirip kurun ve programın lisans numarasını edinmek için TROUBLE REGISTERING THE GIVEAWAY OR GETTING YOUR LICENSE KEY ? YAZAN YERİ İYİCE OKUYUN VE LİSANS NUMARASINI kullanarak full hale getirin. Hepsi bu kadar.
Program zipli dosyada internete yüklenmiştir. Programı indirdiğinizde zipli dosyayı harddiskinize kaydedin ve zipli dosyayı açın ve programı kurup lisans dosyasını girin ve güle güle kullanın.
Programı full yapmakta zorlanırsanız çekinmeden arayın, destek verelim. TEL NO : 0539-570-2295