Değerli Yurtseverler,
Bildiğiniz gibi ÖZEL BÜRO İSTİHBARAT GRUBU bloglarını, sitelerini ve sosyal medyasını takip etmek ÜCRETSİZDİR.
1 adet bilgisayarı yada akıllı telefonu ve internet bağlantısı olan her yurtsever grubumuza üye olabilir. Grubu takip edenleri hiçbir şekilde ön teste, sorgu suale tabi tutmuyor, GBT araştırması yapmıyoruz. Grubu takip edenler arzu ederse sade üye sıfatından RESMİ ÜYE durumuna geçebiliyorlar. Onlar için düşük bir bedel ile ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU ÜYE KİMLİK KARTI çıkarıyoruz.
Üye kimlik kartı olanlar kartı aldıkları andan itibaren ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU’nun RESMİ ÜYESİ oluyorlar ve bunun da bazı avantajları oluyor.
İşte bunlardan biri de ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU’nun zaman zaman üyelere yönelik yaptığı LİSANSLI PROGRAM kampanyaları.
Resmi üye olanlar için bazı önemli yazılımları ücretsiz ve lisanslı bir şekilde resmi üyelerimizin kullanımına sunuyoruz.
Şimdi sunduğumuz programın adı WINORGANIZER.
WinOrganizer is a full-scale personal information manager (PIM) that helps you organize and plan your business and personal life. It’s a planner, notepad and address book combined in one powerful application.
The computer version of the organizer comprises all features of its paper prototype in a more comfortable way, which makes working with it quicker and easier. Its user-friendly interface combines all your notes, bookmarks, holidays, reminders, appointments, task lists, contacts, and passwords into a coherent tree outline form that can be customized as required. The data can be protected by password to limit the access to your personal information. Now you won’t miss a single holiday or your friend’s birthday; you will be able to track everyday tasks and, what’s more, the program will notify you of the upcoming events and tasks.
In addition, like in a usual organizer, Notes powered by MS Word-like rich-text tools perfectly suit for keeping various information such as notes, recipes, famous quotations, tables, pictures, Web-links, and even entire pages from the Internet.
The program is equipped with flexible sorting and filtering options, HTML-printing, automatic phone dialing, as well as integration with the installed e-mail client and Web browser. All traditional holidays are included in the program, plus you can add your own vital dates.
User-friendly interface
Flexible tree structure
Multi-language interface supporting the following languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovenian, Greek, Bulgarian, Czech, Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, Portuguese-BR, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Byelorussian, Swedish, Polish, Slovak, Lithuanian, Korean, Serbian, Danish, Turkish, Dutch.
6 document types: Notes, Events, Tasks, Contacts, Passwords, Folders
Document protection
HTML Printing with customized templates
Simultaneous work on several files
Simultaneous editing of several records
Links between documents and external links
Setting up an alarm for any record available
Powerful search capability (with regular expressions)
Import and export features (.rtf, .csv, .txt, .html)
Flexible customizing
Minimization to system tray
Y2K compliance
Install and uninstall functions
Easy import and export to Word and WordPad (RTF)
Search and replace
Paragraph formatting
Compact graphical images storage (supports various formats)
Working with tables
Ability to create several notes in a single document
Bullets and Numbering
Unicode support
Event Reminder
Unique and comprehensive alarm settings
Tracking birthdates, important events, or holidays (including religious holidays relative to Easter)
Launching external applications, when the events are coming
Flexible sorting and filtration
Organizing events into groups of documents
Displaying events in enclosed documents
The same as for Events
Organizing task by priority, status, assignee
Checking and hiding completed tasks
Multitude of predefined fields
Dialing capability
Integration with e-mail client and Web-browser
URL auto-detection
Phone number auto-detection
Inserting images
Storing an address, name, password, etc.
One-click copy to clipboard
Hidden input of information
Bu program şu anda piyasada 95 USD bedel ile yani TL’ye çevirirsek 972 TL bedel ile satışta. 1 YILLIK versiyonu. Biz ise LİSANS KODU ile birlikte sizlere hediye ediyoruz. Aşağıdaki bağlantıdan programı indirip kurun ve programın lisans numarasını kullanarak full hale getirin. Hepsi bu kadar.
Program zipli dosyada internete yüklenmiştir. Programı indirdiğinizde zipli dosyayı harddiskinize kaydedin ve zipli dosyayı açın ve programı kurup lisans dosyasını girin ve güle güle kullanın.
Programı full yapmakta zorlanırsanız çekinmeden arayın, destek verelim. TEL NO : 0539-570-2295
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